All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical or health advice of any kind and we do not warrant that the information presented herein is free of any errors or omissions. A professional-client relationship with you is only formed after we have expressly entered into a written agreement with you that you have signed including our fee structure and other terms to work with you in a specific matter. Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information.

I’ve been where you are. It took me practically my entire life to stop living small and realize I deserve a life full of health and happiness.

It wasn’t until 7 years ago that I finally decided to free my mind of excuses and face the real reasons I was eating sugar.

Just the thought of giving up sugar scared the hell out of me.

I believed sugar comforted me and made me feel better when I was stressed out or exhausted.

I believed sugar made every party, holiday and celebration more festive and fun…

"What if I really can kick sugar and junk food?"

"What if I really could have more health and happiness in my life?"

"What if I could finally be free of that negative self-talk?"

"What if this is what I’ve needed to finally break this addiction cycle?"

Our minds are powerful beyond measure. Your thoughts can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy.

It’s your choice.

If at any point while reading this you saw hope and got excited about the possibility that maybe you can kick sugar….

I encourage you to take the first step.

Trust me, it’s NEVER going to be the right time… you’re NEVER going to be fully ready to jump in.

The difference between you and all the other women I’ve helped kick sugar is they simply chose to take the first step.

I hope you truly know just how AMAZING you are and that you deserve a life full of great health and happiness.

Don’t let your life pass you by.

"Hey! We are killing it with no sugar… I didn't know how much this would matter to me! My wife and I started this program and were both just blown away at how uninformed we were about the addiction we were being run by! We both have dropped pounds IMMEDIATELY and even more fun than that, we aren't at the whim of our cravings anymore. We are in control of how we want to feel. We've also gone deeper into WHY we wanted the "comfort" of sugar in the first place. HIGHLY RECOMMEND even if it had cost us 4x the price. Really powerful. Thank you so much Joyce”  - Vanessa Baker 

Vanessa Baker

As an Arizona State University (ASU) student who competes on the track and field team as a discus and javelin thrower. Those “failures” take a mental toll on me.  After a long day of negative self-talk after practice, I have religiously turned to sugar as a coping mechanism. With the help of the I Kicked Sugar Program, I’ve realized that my mental health from negative self-talk is only being worsened by eating sugary foods. By choosing to not partake in eating sugar, Joyce has given me the tools to break out of my endless cycle of negativity to promote my mental health." - Haley Smith

Haley Smith

“I have struggled with food issues for a very long time. Moderation and I - we don’t even know each other! I gave up sugar for Lent and have managed to hold to it. But this is what history has shown me… I do really well for a specific amount of time and then all of a sudden I start thinking that a blueberry muffin from Starbucks isn’t really sugar… or that the syrup on my pancakes doesn’t count .... or that because there is no dairy in gelato that it is good for me. Once I ingest sugar it starts the crazy cycle of a sugar addiction... eat sugar, feel better for a little while, then feel horrible, have guilt and shame over eating it and then eat it again to make myself feel better…it sucks! Joyce has written an absolutely brilliant program to help with sugar addiction. I know for a fact that I am not the only one suffering from this." – Emily Sadler

Emily Sadler

"On July 8th, 2019, I weighed 346 lbs and was suicidal. For decades I have used my excess weight as armor against pain and abuse. Today, 8 months later, I've lost 126 lbs...this is not a "diet" but a change in every aspect of my approach to self-care and good health). The I Kicked Sugar Program started the ball rolling for me, and now there is no going back. Joyce's Program makes a point to surround yourself with community and support...Thank you, Joyce, for this great new way to approach life. I have more good health, my cellulitis has all but disappeared, my asthma HAS disappeared, I am taking walks several times per day every day, and have found the strength and courage to move forward from the pains and stress and trauma of the past. The I Kicked Sugar program is excellent for anyone who is ready to make the commitment to a healthier and happier lifestyle."  - Jeanne G. Pocius Dorismond

Jeanne Dorismond

“What Joyce has created is helping me go to the next level... She has set up a great way to address all the issues I had and am encountering on new levels. Really it is great for anyone, in any part of their getting healthy journey. It is really hard to answer the how for me... has broken it down perfectly. Like she say’s is a lot of mental and emotional. Hard to properly relay that, but she has done a wonderful job!  I have fought my weight and unhealthy coping mechanisms from age 7 on... Awesome program, created by an awesome lady who understands what it is to struggle with food...Thank you Joyce, for being an inspiration and thank you for putting into words and a system what I could not.” Marsha Dale Owen

Marsha Dale Owen

“The program is awesome and has a lot of information. I am doing the program and completing the tasks Joyce assigns. OMG Module 1 and 2 opened my eyes. Just in what I drink I’m well over 80 grams of sugar. O.K. I admit I’m addicted. I learned a lot by being aware of what I’m putting in my body. I’m in shock. I realize I’m an emotional eater and a quick convenient eater. Joyce is such an inspiration to me. Knowing that I too can overcome my health, and the self sabotage etc. So thank you for the course”  - Cheryl Knight 

Cheryl Knight

“Sugar really is the culprit to all diseases and so many bad things.  Knowledge is power. Thank you Joyce. I’m excited to add this to my plethora of books in health and nutrition, and share with my clients.” - Christina Joos-Ivanhoe

Christina Joos-Ivanhoe

"I would definitely recommend the I Kicked Sugar Program for anyone who has a sugar addiction! It is SO helpful for the mind, body, and soul! I Kicked Sugar addresses all components in the modules! If you are ready to give up sugar, this is the course to help guide you on your journey! I am 48 days sugar-free and I couldn't feel happier with my decision!"  - Nicole Benedetti

Nicole Benedetti


Healthy Education LLC, I Kicked Sugar © Copyright 2023


This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc.

Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a TRADEMARK of FACEBOOK, INC.

This Masterclass has the power to profoundly change your life if you do all the work and allow it to. But don’t take my word for it; test it out for yourself risk-free. I offer a full 30-day money back guarantee because I know how life-changing this course is and want to remove every barrier for you to make the decision to join me today. Plus, I am confident that if you show up, go through the Masterclass and do the work you can can kick sugar and find food freedom. And I back that up with a 30-day risk-free money back guarantee.

Here’s How It Works: If at any time for any reason in 30 days you feel the Masterclass isn’t for you. Simply email and I will gladly give you a full refund.

If you aren't completely happy within the first 30 days,
I'll buy the program back from you.



I am not ready to stop eating sugar just yet – am I going to have to stop before I start this program?   + 

How can I tell if I’m addicted to sugar?  +

Will I have to stop eating sugar forever?  +

I tried quitting before with willpower and lasted for 3 months but then had a lapse due to a stressful time in my life and have been struggling with sugar ever since. Can your program really help me?  +

Do you address the underlying reasons why we eat sugar?  +

Will I have to avoid parties and holiday family gatherings?  +

My eating sugar has become a habit, and I know it takes a lot of work to change a habit. Do you address this?  +

I need to lose weight. Can this program help me?  +

I have a lot of guilt and shame about my binge eating - will this program help me with that?  +

I’m a type 2 diabetic and on different medications to control it, can your program help me?  +

Giving up sugar scares the heck out of me?  +

My family and friends all eat sugar and I’m scared they will make fun of me and think I’m a weirdo?  +

Do I have to become a militant eater?  +

Can I go at my own pace?  +

What do I do if I can't afford this?  +

What is the time commitment?  +

Can I purchase this program for someone else?  +

and I really believed I just couldn’t live without it.

Sugar was my best friend. The only thing that got me. It was my safety blanket to hide under when my world was crashing in.

I get why you might be resisting the program...

Listen, you can keep making up excuses

or you can sit down… stop resisting and do what deep in your heart you want to do. 
Get the Masterclass and start the program Today!

Bottom line, whether you join the Masterclass or not, 
I want to give you some powerful advice…

Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, 
I want you to ask yourself what could go right…

"What if the Masterclass Program works?"


"I have lost over 20 pounds, so far, and am a tribe member in progress... eating healthier, exercising regularly, working on positive self talk, feeling stronger mentally, emotionally, and physically." - Bridgit G

"I have learned when and why I eat sugar. I now recognize habits I have fallen into and triggers that led me to those habits...I’ve lost 15 pounds.  My joints don’t hurt as much.  I can get up and down from a chair without moaning... I am learning to love myself ... I am worth it! Thank you IKS and Joyce! I am now a healthy person who doesn’t eat SUGAR!" - Rhonda N

"My journey on this program gave me my life back..freedom from depression and freedom from sugar and junk food... Oh man oh man this was the best, hands down, no comparison, program EVER!... I love who I've become. I haven't said one negative thing about me (to me!) and that's huge! There's so much joy, love and hope in my heart (Glory to God!)" - Anna N 

"IKS helped me adjust the mindset I needed to make so many changes in my life. I'm down 18 pounds and 22 inches…. There's no diet here … it's a lifestyle!"  - Gail S 

"The education I received from this program is immeasurable.  I say this because I have tried countless “diets” and not one compares to IKS...I have lost over 33 pounds and still counting.  I am no longer taking a sleeping pill to get to sleep or prescribed anti-reflux medication.  My Dr. is slowing taking me off an anti-depression medicine that I have been taking for 16 years.  I also no longer take daily Tylenol or Advil for the aches and pains I had experienced." - Kelly R 

IKS has taught me how to successfully kick sugar by SHOWING UP to journal, plan nutritious meals, and exercise...The support and inspiration from the IKS private Facebook group helps me to be the best version of myself. I have lost 28 pounds! , I no longer suffer from high cholesterol or sleep apnea, and found JOY in my life again! ... I am committed to this journey of health and living life deliberately because I can confidently say, I KICKED SUGAR!" - Kelly 


Join The I Kicked Sugar™ 

8-Week Masterclass Program



You’re eating more sugar and processed foods than you want to and don’t know how to stop. 

You're smart, driven and in control in your life but for some reason sugar and junk food is a strange exception.


You’ve tried to kick sugar before and failed countless times – leaving you feeling weak, frustrated and beaten.


Your doctor or loved one has been on your case to lose weight and told you your diet and lifestyle have to change.

You use sugar and junk food to make yourself feel better.

You feel guilty and beat yourself up after you eat sugary foods.


You're on multiple medications to control chronic conditions.


You’ve lied to or hidden from someone the amount of sugar you've eaten.


You think about sugar and food even when you’re not hungry, finding yourself eating out of habit, or out of boredom…? And then regret it later?

You find yourself crashing daily at 3pm and reaching for some kind of sugary food or beverage to pick you up.


You constantly have a negative voice beating you up about your food choices.


You set calorie/food restrictions on yourself only to blow right by them once you get stressed out or bored.




The average American consumes 186 grams of sugar a day…


That’s about 46 teaspoons of sugar.


The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends you NOT EXCEED 25 grams of added sugar a day…


that’s only about 6 teaspoons.

Sugar is being added to almost every kind of food, and its addition is not always obvious.


It hides in our most common, everyday foods, even those marketed as healthy...

More than 80% of processed foods contain added sugars, which are disguised on food labels under more than 61 different names.


Americans are consuming 4 times the amount of added sugar than we used to, it's no wonder we're all getting obese and sick.

I know you see it...

It’s pretty hard not to turn in any direction nowadays and see the evidence that sugar and food addiction is all around us.

Listen, it’s a fact - science and research agree, a high sugar diet is strongly correlated with a plethora of health issues including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, kidney failure, certain cancers, stress, depression and anxiety.


It’s been proven over and over by experts, doctors, and researchers in the field that excess processed sugar is toxic and detrimental to our mental and physical health.

"I Kicked Sugar is the yellow brick road out of sugar addiction ...The program Joyce has created presents a very needed path to help people free themselves from sugar addiction."

Join Now



It’s Officially OPEN For Enrollment!

and so much more!


I’ve been where you are. It took me practically my entire life to stop living small and realize I deserve a life full of health and happiness.

It wasn’t until
7 years ago when I became sugar-free that I finally decided to love myself and free my mind of excuses and face the real reasons I was eating sugar.

Just the thought of giving up sugar scared the hell out of me.

I believed sugar comforted me and made me feel better when I was stressed out or exhausted.

I believed sugar made every party, holiday and celebration more festive and fun…

and I really believed I just couldn’t live without it.

Most of my life I was physically and mentally unhealthy. At my heaviest I was 67 pounds overweight. I weighed 186 pounds.

But even more important... I discovered the secret to kicking sugar (that no one really talks about) which allowed me to break free from my sugar addiction, once and for all.

I went from life-long sugar addict to never craving the sweet stuff again.

I struggled for years with my weight, high blood pressure, fatty liver, a high A1C, stomach issues, chronic sinus and yeast infections along with depression and anxiety.

And it was all due to the poor food choices I made daily.

The main culprit was sugar.

I was on 4 different medications at one time (and I wasn’t even 40 yet). I’ve tried 5 different antidepressants and was told by doctors to face the fact, I was gonna have to be on a lot more medications as I got older.


After 17 years of doing my own research, diving into stacks of medical journals...

reading books by leading experts in the field of functional medicine, neuroscience, brain chemistry and the gut...

Taking courses on nutrition, physiology, and anatomy while studying and doing the work myself...

I gathered all the best tips and advice from the experts in the field of addiction and health and I uncovered the dark, dirty world of sugar.

Soon after I kicked sugar I realized I wasn’t alone...

so many other women suffer from sugar and food addiction and need and want help.

This sent me on a mission to create I Kicked Sugar… and soon word got out.

I became a regular on TV and was called an expert and...

in the past 3 years over 16,000 women from around the world have joined I Kicked Sugar to transform their relationship with food and themselves.

I want to show YOU how to do it with my cutting edge 8-week Masterclass program to kick sugar, lose weight and find food freedom once and for all.


"I'm here to tell you - investing in this Masterclass is a game-changer! Thank you for all the enlightening information in the this program!... Every time I play a video from one of the modules in the Masterclass, I learn something new or have a new awareness that I didn't have before! …I know this is corny, but I am giving a gift to myself by investing in the program and Me!! Joyce, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing You and the Gifts with all of us out here in the big world. It is clearly evident you pour LOVE into everything you do for us!"  - Susan

Join NowJoin NowJoin Now

"I am a sugar addict and have been most of my life. In general, I eat a very healthy diet but then I’d binge on sugar. It’s mostly candy especially chocolate and I ask myself why? I’ve taken courses, gone to seminars, done years of self-development, worked with some incredible people like Jim Rohn, Les Brown and others. Became a coach, a motivational speaker, I have taken many courses but yet I would always revert back to sugar. But Joyce’s program has flipped a switch and I am so grateful. I am so happy and excited that I’m not craving sugar!  This is a miracle for me.  I’m sure some of you truly understand. It brings me to tears. Happy but emotional tears. This program is so life changing!" - Lori

"I've been searching for years to get to the root of all of my problems, and this program is FINALLY helping me get there. I'm just like everyone else. Buying candy and cookies and eating most of it on the way home. Hiding what I buy, eating when I'm alone. BUT..this time things are different with this program and I haven't eaten any goodies since January 1st. I feel so much better and it's the first time EVER I've been able to do this. I'm now crying happy tears! For the first time ever I feel like I can win this addiction. I just LOVE what I have learned and I have no problem saying and thinking, "I don't do sugar!" - Chris

"Since starting this program I automatically reach for the fresh fruits or nuts or make myself a salad. Thank you Joyce for your positive vibes with your support and all of the tribe members support and workouts with our Ambassadors Melissa and Amy. This group is what gives me support and accountability. Today I completed 45 minutes on the threadmill. I ran into my neighbor at the laundromat. Haven't seen her in months. The first thing she said to me was "wow you lost a lot of weight "I replied yes, yes, I did, I kicked sugar!" I have seen so many positive changes in my body since I kicked sugar."  - Diana

"When I saw this masterclass I debated over it for many days before signing up Sunday night. Thanks Joyce for creating this wonderful program. I really have no desire to eat sugar and I am learning so much and loving it. I love being a part of this amazing group of women."  - Lori

But because I’m super excited to welcome you into the I Kicked Sugar Inner Circle, I’m giving you the opportunity to enroll TODAY for just…

When You Add it All Up, That’s A Total Real-World Value of $3,207.


What's Inside The

8-Week Masterclass Program

10 Core Modules with coaching videos that will take you from just getting started to soaring past your health goals without confusion or feeling overwhelmed - Each video dives into the heart of the material, concepts, and strategies to help you on your journey. Lessons not available in the audiobook or coursebook, specifically designed to accelerate your journey using the QUICKEST, most effective tools.

Never guess where to start and what the next step is – with access to a full library of coaching videos you’ll know exactly what to do and when.

Each call is designed to offer you face-to-face support. Jump on anytime and ask Joyce questions or get coaching support. It's the next best thing to having Joyce as your personal coach without having to spend thousands of dollars. (replays are available)

Say “goodbye” to overwhelm and confusion and say “hello” to confidence with our monthly live coaching calls.

Expand and speed up your learning process with a library of tactical tools including online interactive quizzes, coaching notes, bonus tasks, and workbooks including the 100-page coursebook and bonus guide so you can read along while you listen and have a physical print copy at your fingertips. This allows you to do the work easily, check off the Tasks, take notes, highlight important points and reinforce your learning experience.

Access to a library of extra supplemental guidebooks and tactical tools.

Our Masterclass Private Facebook community is a safe space for women like you to share your challenges and triumphs. Hang out in the IKS Inner Circle - learn, connect, grow and celebrate with other like-minded women any day and celebrate at our live Zoom special events/parties. The community is full of resources, support, and clarity, along with lots of high-fives and hugs! This is where you'll also have access to Joyce and her team anytime.

Access To Our Exclusive Community – You’re not meant to kick sugar alone. ...

Exclusive Masterclass Portal with your own Private Login offering you easy access to ALL your material in one place. Lifetime access to the program with every single future update dropped directly into your library – free of charge. Continue learning and living your healthy lifestyle long after you complete the program. 

A simple to use framework designed to get you OUT of the life you've been living and PROPEL you into the one you want to be living... free from sugar 

Get Ready For A NEW Healthy, Happy YOU!

Eliminate sugar and junk food cravings and fall in love with real, whole, nutrient-rich foods.

If you can relate to any of the above, I want you to know you're NOT alone and... you're in the right place! 

And I'll prove it! (Keep scrolling, my friend.)

Most women settle for an unhealthy relationship with their body and food because they feel as though they’ve tried everything.


Diets and willpower, body shaming, popping pills and guilt don’t work!

And trying to exercise your way out of a bad diet is just insane.

Trust me I know.

I tried all these methods for years!

If all you had to do was go cold turkey to change your eating habits, we wouldn't be dealing with an obesity epidemic, with over 2/3 of Americans being overweight...

and YOU wouldn't have reached for that dessert a few days after you completed your last diet.

The real side of sugar cravings and addiction that no one ever talks about or tells you about when they're selling you the latest diet, exercise program, or diet food is the MENTAL (psychological/emotional) side of cravings.

Sleep better than you have in years, improve your mood, and prevent or reverse a chronic disease.

Boost your energy, lose weight, reduce inflammation, clear your skin and mind. 

Have a whole new relationship with your body, your mind, and the food on your plate.



- Dr. Richard P. Jacoby

"I Kicked Sugar is an INCREDIBLE program… I recommend it to my patients… Joyce put together something that has been needed in the health world. Just stop and go get the program. It'll change your life."

- Dr. Peter Raisanen



Regular woman – woman just like you who have cut sugar out of their lives and adopted a healthy lifestyle through their food choices and exercise have had amazing results. They're reversing diseases, going off medications, experiencing weight loss, having more energy, and dramatically improving their emotional well-being.

Food addiction (overeating) is a VERY REAL thing, and the Sugar Industry is aggressively targeting you.

The Food and Beverage Industries hire food engineers and food scientists who understand the physiology and neurology of how your brain works so they can  purposefully manipulate the food in labs to get you addicted making you crave and eat more.

BIG FOOD wants you to believe that over-eating is just a YOU problem… and patronizingly blames you for not being strong enough or having enough self-control and willpower to limit your sugar intake.

The good news is that ending your physical addiction can happen quickly. In fact you've probably done this before...

Maybe you used willpower to get yourself bikini ready for that special trip, or to fit into that dress for an upcoming occasion…

or maybe you're one of the many millions of Americans who observe Lent each year giving up your favorite fast food, sugary treats or beverage.

If you have, you've probably noticed within 1-2 weeks your sugar cravings will diminish to almost nothing.

I tried to kick sugar and junk food countless times and would feel so proud of myself and always hoped and prayed this would be the time it’s gonna stick.

Until one day the pressures and stresses of my everyday life caught up with me when my willpower muscle wore out, and just like that I would snap. Within seconds I'd be back in that battle with myself to not start shoveling it all in. 

What is it that’s magnetically drawing you toward those sugary treats EVEN AFTER your body is no longer hooked?

In order to answer that you have to understand the psychology of eating and cravings. You've got to dig deep... into the mental side of addiction...

to understand the real reason you're reaching for that cookie in the first place.

In my 8-Week Masterclass Program you will learn it's not about the sugar, it's deeper than that. You will discover WHY you're really reaching for that cookie.

Your upbringing, family, friends, and society (media, marketing, and Big Food and Beverage) all have played a role in conditioning you to believe the lie, that you actually get happiness and comfort from eating sugary junk foods.

From this conditioning, our brains form patterns of thoughts that get hardwired over time into habits. Breaking these automatic habits is about rewiring the brain's thought patterns. 


Researchers at Duke University, state that habits account for about 40 percent of our behaviors on any given day. 


So if that's true, and most of your habits have been unconsciously created by your upbringing and society, then it's safe to say you've been hacked.


Fortunately, science now shows, the brain has neuroplasticity. You CAN re-wire your brain and change those automatic habits.


For the last three years I’ve been helping women just like you kick their sugar and junk food habit.

The 8-Week Masterclass Program is a self-paced, 10 Core Module Program designed to do over 8-weeks, during which, I instruct you NOT to change anything in your diet.

Each Module is comprised of reading the lesson followed by coaching videos as well as notes, review sections, quizzes, and tasks to complete.

Diets fail for people because they never understand or get to the root of WHY they're grabbing unhealthy food in the first place.


Relying on willpower ONLY makes your cravings stronger.

During the program, you are BUILDING A FOUNDATION while bringing awareness to your life.

You'll learn the science and psychology of why you eat and crave sugar, the emotions, and circumstances that keep you eating and then finally the way out.

In just 8-Weeks, YOU ARE equipped and ready to kick sugar for good!


Armed with new identity and mindset, you no longer desire to reward, comfort, or pleasure yourself with sugar and junk food. 

Whether you're wanting to kick your soda habit, morning muffin fix, or you're ready to kick it all out for good; my program can help. 

Hi! I’m Joyce, The Creator and Founder of Healthy Education and I Kicked Sugar™ 

This 8-Week Masterclass Program Will Transform Your Health and Happiness.

Get ready to kick your sugar habit… and 

make healthy eating an irresistible habit you love!

The I Kicked Sugar 8-Week Masterclass Program has the power to transform your health and happiness. We take a science based approach - driven by compassion and community that has reached over 16,000 women, providing them the tools they need to reinvent their relationship with sugar.

You know you should be eating less sugar and choosing the healthier option and yet you keep making the wrong choices and don’t know how to change.

Whether you’re looking to kick your daily soda habit, morning muffin fix, or you’re ready to kick all processed sugar out for good the 8-Week Masterclass Program can help.

Before I tell you all about this program, let’s talk about who this is really for

If you're like most women I talk to ...

you feel challenged constantly with making healthy food choices.

"I just have to share how empowered I feel! For the first time in my life I AM IN CONTROL! Not food and not sugar!!! I don't have the cravings for sugar or sweets like I did. The voices in my head nudging me to give in have almost stopped, too! The more I am learning from Joyce and all of you, the easier it gets! Joyce, I could actually cry thinking how amazing this program is and how amazing you are for sharing it with others!" - Sue

"I am so grateful for this wonderful program. It has been so different from anything I have done before. I have retrained myself to stop and think, to ask myself, WHY do I need to eat those foods that are like poison?... and it's working. I no longer reach for the sugar. I just say I DON'T. I am sugar-free. I am no longer looking for a quick fix. The program has also given me the self-awareness to see how toxic relationships can be just as harmful to the body as sugar. It has been enlightening. Thank you, IKS team." - Maria

“If you are ready to make some real changes to your diet and lifestyle to improve your overall health, Joyce’s I Kicked Sugar Program is a great place to start! Joyce’s personal experiences with sugar addiction and recovery, coupled with the knowledge she has gained over years studying nutrition and lifestyle science bring this course to life in a soulful, approachable way. Each module provides on point education, helpful tips, resources, easy to follow task lists and a whole lot of emotional support to kick sugar to the curb! As a practicing Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach I endorse this Program wholeheartedly, and congratulate Joyce for sharing her passion to help others overcome their sugar addiction with empathy, education and empowerment!” -Toby Benton

Toby Benton, NBC-HWC

"I have tried other programs for sugar addiction and had to white knuckle my way through until I would usually break around dinner. I would hear people say they didn't even want sugar anymore and dreamed of being able to be that person. I thought it just wasn't ever going to happen for me. I am finally one of those people! It doesn't even look good to me at all now. I think the difference is this program really sets the foundation and builds the case against sugar and the food industry... I'm sleeping better and getting to sleep faster, hardly any Gl issues, my skin is clearer, more energy, happier! I suffer with depression and I'm amazed at how just dropping sugar has done a 180 with feeling sad and anxious all the time!"- Kenya R

I finished Module 10 last week. "I don't eat sugar". That was it for me!! Cold turkey after 30+ years of trying. Haven't eaten or been tempted to eat sugar since then and feel great. No side effects. Thank you for these amazing recordings. Great and accurate information.  Amazing work, Thank you! - Gilda  ROHP/RNCP, DIHom (Pract)


* The weight loss testimonials presented on this website apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. Every testimonial on this website is from a real I Kicked Sugar™ customer who consistently practiced healthy eating and activity levels.  No one was paid for a testimonial or endorsement.


* Instant and lifetime Access Enroll once, own it for life and repeat as often as you want.


* The weight loss testimonials presented on this website apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. Every testimonial on this website is from a real I Kicked Sugar™ customer who consistently practiced healthy eating and activity levels.  No one was paid for a testimonial or endorsement.


* Instant and lifetime Access Enroll once, own it for life and repeat as often as you want.


* Instant and lifetime Access Enroll once, own it for life and repeat as often as you want.


Learn How To NEVER Crave The Sweet Stuff Again... WITHOUT Feeling Deprived Or Using Willpower!