Healthy Education LLC, I Kicked Sugar © Copyright 2025


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Join Over 20,000 other women Kicking Sugar!

I’ve been where you are. It wasn’t until 9 years ago when I became sugar-free that I discovered the secrets to kicking sugar (that no one really talks about) which allowed me to break free from my sugar addiction, once and for all.

Learn these 8 signs and discover if sugar and processed food is wreaking havoc on your health and well-being. 

These are the same signs I used to bring awareness into my life to kick sugar.

Here's What You'll Learn In This FREE Workshop 

Hi! I’m Joyce, The Creator and Founder of Healthy Education and I Kicked Sugar™ 

You know you should be eating less sugar and choosing the healthier option and yet you keep making the wrong choices and don’t know how to change.

If you're like most women I talk to ...

you feel challenged constantly with making healthy food choices.

Discover 3 secrets to STOP craving sugar or having it control you. 

Use these methods when kicking sugar and you’ll never desire sugar again.

Why do I tend to crave more in late afternoon?

Are some sugars healthier (good vs. bad) than others?

How much sugar can I eat daily?

Why does EVERY diet fail me?

I went from life-long sugar addict to never craving the sweet stuff again.

In the past 5 years over 20,000 women from around the world have joined I Kicked Sugar to transform their relationship with food and themselves.

Whether you’re looking to kick your daily soda habit, morning muffin fix, or you’re ready to kick all processed sugar out for good my FREE 2-Hour Live Intensive Training Workshop can show you how.

"Discover How I Went From A Life Long Sugar Addict To NEVER Craving The Sweet Stuff Again. (WITHOUT Feeling Deprived Or Using Willpower!)"

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3 Secrets To Kick Sugar and End Sugar Cravings

The 8 Signs of Sugar Addiction 

Register Now and Receive Your Free Workshop Guidebook!

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